Bringing Birmingham’s empty properties back into use

Matthew Smith

Two empty properties in Erdington and Brandwood are going to auction next week following the successful intervention of Birmingham City Council’s Empty Properties Team.

The three and four bedroom houses in Bilberry Road, Brandwood, and Slade Road, Erdington, were identified by the team as part of a group of ten properties that had been neglected and were causing distress to neighbours.  The team were able to work with the owners of eight of the properties to bring them back into use but the remaining two have been subject to compulsory purchase orders and will be auctioned by Bigwood Auctioneers at Aston Villa FC on 30 April.

Principal Enforcement Officer for Birmingham City Council, Matthew Smith, explained: “During the last year my team has brought nearly 400 empty properties back into use, providing much needed housing for people in established residential areas.  When properties lie vacant they can quickly become a problem for the immediate neighbours and even a focus for anti-social behaviour in the wider area so bringing properties back into use has a huge social significance.

“Although we are usually able to work with property owners and help them to get their properties up and running again, as a last resort we will make compulsory purchase orders and take the properties to auction.  The successful bidder then has 12 months to repair and restore the property and bring it back into residential use.”

For further information about the Empty Properties Team, whether you own a property and need help or you’re an unhappy neighbour, call 0121 303 7978 or email [email protected]

For further details of the two properties and to arrange viewings see -


For further information contact Press and PR Officer Debbie Harrison on 303 4476

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